Traditional northern Nigerian Waina with Binta’s Kitchen ‘Spinach and Pumpkin sauce’

Homemade and aromatic Waina (masa) is made with basic ingredients, and is the quintessential northern Nigerian comfort food. This region is known is known for healthy yet delicious meals. I’m so excited to share this recipe, its nostalgic because whenever there would be a celebration Waina was what mum always made.




Waina 1.jpeg


2 ½ cups of Long grain rice

1/2 sachet (4g) of yeast

¼ teaspoon Baking powder

1 tablespoon of sugar

1 teaspoon of salt

1 tablespoon natural yogurt

Cooking oil

Binta’s Kitchen Spinach and pumpkin sauce



1.     Soak the rice in enough lukewarm water for 1-2 hours. Once soaked drain and wash the rice.

2.   The drained rice can now be blended until smooth with ½ cup of water

3.     Separately cook ½ cup of rice until its fluffy.

4.    Allow it to cool then mix the cooked and blended rice together to make a mixture.

5.    Add in the yeast, baking powder, yogurt, sugar and salt.

6.    Cover for 1-2 hours and allow it to rise.

7.    Drizzle some oil in your small pan (traditionally we use a cast iron pancake pan with 9 sections) and once the oil is hot enough pour some batter into the pan about halfway full.

8. When the edges begin to solidify, flip the waina over with two skewers and once both sides are well cooked (golden brown) remove from heat. Serve it while still hot and fresh with your heated Binta’s kitchen ‘Spinach and Pumpkin’ sauce. Enjoy!


farhana ibrahim