Binta's Kitchen

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Binta's Kitchen x World Food Programme #Cook4Climate campaign

Did you know that last year alone, climate extremes pushed more than 23 million people into severe hunger. Droughts. Floods. Wildfires. The #ClimateCrisis is no longer a glimpse into the future but a daily reality. So when the UN World Food Programme invited me to #Cook4Climate, I knew I had to say yes. My recipe couples sustainably sourced wheat, red peppers and BINTA'S KITCHEN LTD Yaji chilli seasoning to create this quiche. This recipe is for Mohamed and others like him who contributed the least to the climate crisis but are now bearing the brunt of the impact. Give it a try and head on over to World Food Programme to join in the fight against climate-driven hunger! You can read the article in full here

Have you ever wondered what the story of wheat is? 
For most of us at home, wheat is something that you find in pastries, cereal or a key ingredient for your pizza base. The story begins at a grocery store or a local farmer's market and ends with a meal on our plates. But for Mohamed and families in Egypt, wheat means so much more than a simple ingredient. It tells the story of overcoming climate challenges. A story of resilience and of hope #WorldFoodDay